El texto hecho texto: un análisis intertextual del discurso narrativo de Oseas / Rubén Cardona Sánchez
El texto hecho texto conlleva a pensar en una transformación, tanto de tipo textual como de tipo simbólico o conceptual. No solo se toma un texto para desarrollar otro texto, sino que también un concepto o símbolo puede ser utilizado para un desarrollo posterior de otro pensamiento. Esto es precisamente lo que se puede encontrar en las Sagradas Escrituras.
This project is an attempt to demonstrate the importance of intertextuality in the interpretation and application of the book of Hosea. This paper focus in how the text transposition since a kristevano approach may be a platform for the use of the concept of law and the covenant within the prophet Hosea and also how that literary use may be helpful our contemporary biblical application. Besides, the book of Exodus is taken as a
reference to establish a hermeneutical link between the preaching of the prophets with the ideas of covenant and alliance, which were developing since the tradition of the Exodus. This analysis is a documentary research, which concluded that intertextuality achieves its functional role in modern literary interpretation
Biblia. Antiguo Testamento, Biblia. Oseas -Crítica, interpretación, etc, Intertextualidad, Hermenéutica, Ley, Oseas
Trabajo de grado (Teología); Fundación Universitaria Seminario Bíblico de Colombia, 2015