The Latin American Evangelist volumen 5 número 5 (junio 1926)
A new gospel for Latin America / Editorial A macedonian call from the uplands of Peru / Editorial Was the Bible Institute of Costa Rica in God´s plan for Latin America? / Editorial The menaning of the mind of Christ / Reverendo R. C. McQuilkin Subjects for praise and prayer / Editorial Bringing his sheaves with him : some experiences of a missionary among the Miskito Indians on the Miskito Coast of Nicaragua / Reverendo H. Schubert
Misiones, Misiones Cristianas, Evangelismo, Trabajo Evangelístico, América Latina, Resolución de conflictos, Evangelio, Madagascar, Sacrificios humanos, Uruguay, Paraguay, Instituto Bíblico de Costa Rica, Costa Rica, Costa de Miskito, Nicaragua, Cristo, Apóstol Pablo
The Latin American Evangelist volumen 5 número 5 (junio 1926)